In the past many of these oriental brassicas were not commonly grown in our western gardens. However now we are growing more and more common in our gardens which is fantastic. Not only are they easy to grow but they are often hard to find in the supermarket. Just make sure you do not jump the gun when planting these crops as they will not respond well to cold soil. As with many plants make sure they are well watered, especially if grown in containers to prevent premature bolting.

-This plant is very similar to rocket and grows much in
the same way
-Mizuna will happily grow outside during the summer
months and also undercover for winter

- This is a fantastic crop with a taste somewhere
between spinach and cabbage.
- Komatsuna works perfectly using the cut and come
again method of harvesting that we are very familiar
of using with crops such as lettuce.

Chinese Broccoli
- Chinese broccoli is often grown for its beautiful
flowering stems
- The taste is quite similar to our more familiar purple
sprouting broccoli. However, unlike purple sprouting
broccoli it will mature in the same growing season.
- Sow Chinese Broccoli in summer and it should be
ready for harvest in Autumn
Pak Choi
- Pak Choi is slowly working its way into western
supermarkets and rightfully so!
- Pak Choi can be fast to bolt so to avoid this sow in
the summer months.
- Water well especially if growing in pots to avoid
-Pak choi is a great crop if you are looking for a fast
harvest. The leaves can be picked in as little as one
after sowing
- Pak choi are great in stir fry or equally as nice when
steamed for a healthy option

Chinese Cabbage
- A beautiful plant with a tall head of tightly packed
- Chinese cabbage like many other oriental crops
responds much better to warmer temperatures so
sow from May onwards
- Chinese cabbage is a long cropper and will be ready
for harvest from July right up until the first frosts

- Tatsoi grows in a very similar way to Pak Choi
and taste very similar too.

Choy Sum
-Choy Sum is just the term used for flowering greens or
flowering cabbage
- This is just a flowering version of Pak Choi, but it
needs warmth so only so when the minimum
temperature is 20-22C
- Harvest just before the flowers bloom and cook just
like a broccoli for a fantastic flavour

Red Giant Mustard
- Red Giant mustard have fantastic leaves that are
much larger than normal mustard leaves
-Young leaves and older leaves can both be harvested,
however, young leaves have a lovely peppery taste
whereas older leaves will need to be cooked for the
best taste
- Another great crop to grow and this is a great option for the winter months
- It will grow very well under cover in winter months